Oh I love this movie. I love this movie so much.
Quotes from the movie that immediately come to mind:
"Just roll around...you'll be aight"
"are you lookin' at my Janet?"
"Crazy eyes!"
"Who's The Bitch Now?"
Teen comedies are one of my favorite escape routes from a hard day at work. Or if I just feeling really, really lazy. Hell I'll just make up a reason to watch this movie.
"The New Guy" centers around the most uncool dork this movie can define. After an

As with all teen comedies before it, there's a lot of fast editing with layers and layers of jokes. You have your standard characters in a teen comedy with some oddball ones thrown in. There's Dizzy, our dorky hero. Then there's his

On top of that, there's a great nostalgic soundtrack for all of us kids who grew up in the ninetines. Offspring. Cypress Hill, Outkast,P.O.V. are one of the new bands

On the surface, it's one of those underdog stories with the nerd growing into a higher status. Under all the jokes and pop culture reference, there is also a very sweet story with a great empowering message. No matter how times I watch it, I get super excited when I see the stampede through the fields.
There isn't that much else to write about this movie other than it's funny as hell!
Funny thing is, Dizzy would have been the cool prankster at my school!
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